Friday, February 25, 2011

Bike Day!

Chloe had a "Bike Parade" at her school the Friday after President's Day. Just close your eyes and imagine what you think a "Bike Parade" consists open them. Anything and everything you imagined a "Bike Parade" to be was wrong. Toss your patriotic visions of red, white, and blue dressed kids, orderly bikes/trikes in a line OUT THE WINDOW.

It was nothing like that.

Apparently, the parade was more like open play. I was out of town and I had the cutest Red/White/Blue smocked outfit all laid out and ready to go. Tricycle was already at school. And helmet was borrowed...thanks Sarah! By the way, on a sidenote, is it really necessary to wear a helmet when you are on a tricycle? At Chloe's school no helmet=no bike parade. WHATEVER! I am not even sure how we survived growing up riding big wheels, tricycles, and bikes without helmets, knee pads, and elbow pads. Give me a break.

Back to my story....the "Parade" was not a "Parade". It was more like a bunch of kids riding around and burning a bunch of energy while patriotic music played.

And here is the only picture I have from it!

Next year I will not stress so much if I am not going to be in town on the day of the "Bike Parade."