Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentine's Day Party!

Well, I have had A LOT of time on my hands while I have been off work. However, it could not have come at a better time because now I can focus on Chloe's Valentine's Day festivities, and her Birthday. Fun Stuff!!

Chloe had her Valentine's Day Party at school and she was SO excited about this. She could have possible thought that it was her Birthday Party, but who cares? It was fun and that is all that mattered! Here she is getting ready to go to school on her big party day.

And here she is so proud of her Valentine's that she gets to give her friends!

When we got there, they had just sat down at the tables and had started eating! Let me say that I had big plans to make cute Valentine treats.....but that did not work out. I started, I just did not finish. See....look, I really did gather ingredients!

Anyway, back to the party. Here is my Valentine having a party with her friends!

And here she is with her Best Friends Katelyn and Ally. In fact, some other little girl who is her best friend sometimes wanted to get in the picture and Chloe said no. I am not sure where that came from, but they must have had a spat that day! And yes, I did talk to Chloe about being mean!

And here is K being the life of the party! He really needs to be put on the payroll!

And here she is waiting for her friends to pass out her Valentine's!

And then she had to put a sucker in her mouth to pass the time!

Before we left, Chloe gave us some Valentine's she made us!

And I would be lying if I told you this card did not melt my heart!