Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Day Care Christmas Party

On the 23rd, we headed to Chloe's school to take part in their Christmas Party. I had to make 12 goodie bags, and buy a little boy a gift because Chloe drew his name for the gift exchange. I do not want to complain, but the party was a bit unorganized, and I am thinking of volunteering to take charge of the next one! Here are some pictures from the festivities.

This is Chloe sitting at the table with her peers eating a plate full of snacks.

Here are some of the decoration on the wall that have Chloe's name on them. I had to take pictures, because they were classroom decorations, and I do not think they wanted me taking them off the walls.

And here she is sitting in her daddy's lap. She is the only one that had a daddy attend the party...and she thought it was so cool!