Saturday, January 31, 2009


I remember when I was growing up that I hated chores. I mean I hated chores! I hated them so much that I would tell my mom that I dusted even when I didn't. I never knew how she knew that I was lying, but she did! And I got in trouble. Another thing I did was just push the vacuum over the carpet without turning it on. Just because! Just because I did not want to do chores, but I wanted the lines in the carpet. I know I know, if I was going to go to that much effort I might as well just done it right, but I just hated chores!

Well I have good news.....Chloe loves chores! For now at least!!

I mean, I still hate chores so it is a good thing someone in my house likes them. I try to get them out of the way before Chloe gets up from her nap because she always points out places that I miss, or dirt that does not make it in the dust pan! I mean, who is the mom here?

After her chores she decided to get dressed and color. So she did!

And then she needed a nap from all the hard work! On her newly swept and mopped kitchen floor!


Tiffany said...

OK, this post made me laugh out loud! Too funny! I hated chores too, but mainly because my mom would inspect afterwards and show me how it could be done better or more efficently. This was great though. hee-hee!

Jennifer said...

hey, just changed my blog name to Next step, a new design!